
Life happens to all of us whilst the earth thunders through space, unaware of our existence as a human race.  Despite our best efforts to destroy the planet, we fail miserably.  Surely we found ways to attack water and food supply, and air quality through pollution, but that is pissing in our own soup, only making our own existence more challenging.  The planet just keep on turning and floating blissfully through space.  It does not care much for any individual in particular, and as a human race, we pretend to put up a fight for survival.  We even declared ourselves, "Masters of the planet", to rule as we please.

Truth is, we are here to have a ball.  We gather experience as a means to pass time whilst we wait for it all to end, either in global catastrophe for all of us, or more localized as an individual.  These experiences differ from person to person as each of us see things through slightly different evaluation glasses.  I’ll quote the genius of Homer speaking to his wife; not the Greek dude, but the cartoon character, Homer Simpson: “I just try to make the day not hurt too much until I can crawl in next to you”.  This is a true reflection of a real understanding being.

The obvious question to ponder: “Who has the right perspective?”  Surely there are religious groups, governments, academics and lots of other social factions that claim they are carrying the true flame, but even that is true to them alone, and only after perfect adjustment of their spectacles by their own criteria.  To an outsider their activities, claims and rituals seem strange, and sometimes outright ridiculous.  Cultural difference adds a lot of spice to life, and this allow for misunderstanding between rational intellectual beings to be elevated to new highs.  We allow ourselves to be governed by rules and regulations that assist in making life to be a smooth transition between events, but not all of these make sense to the critical observer either.

These publications are a collection of ordinary events, observed through my distorted evaluation glasses, and clouded with my limited understanding at the time.  I have attempted to limit interference with the true facts, and thus found that we are a weird lot on this planet, with very limited understanding of each other.  Some food for thought is hidden in these writings, but that you do discover at your own risk.  I write to record the experiences I gathered, and with a bit of luck you, the reader, will have a chuckle very once in a while.

We do survive, but it is hardly a battle through a display of skill, most of the time it is dumb luck.